Troso fabric made with a traditional loom (non-machine). Production process from yarn to fabrics which have high artistic value made by the skills handed down by the village community tenurun Troso Jepara.Woven fabric types misris Troso produce, antiques, silk and natural with a variety of styles. Any privilege is being able to adapt Troso weaving various styles from various cultures, both national and international.

 Woven Cloth. "Sutra Silk"

Troso woven with gold threads of red and yellow

Motif "Poleng, Mirsis, Serat Nanas, Hujan Gerimis", the new weaving so collected, and then wait for the process and packaging sortir

Weaving poleng motive is often used for traditional ceremonies in Bali and a lot of hotels or resorts use the accent fabric to reinforce the natural charm and natural tropical asia

Traditional weaving center in Troso is one small industry has developed, as chance carved furniture. Although not semaju 1990s, the industry still contributes to the economic development community in general Troso and Jepara. In 1997-1998, Troso weaving industry slumped. That can not be separated from national economic conditions are deteriorating. However, industries that rely on traditional machines that did not mean to die. As of 2000, handicraft industry began to rise again. In the golden ages in almost every house has a loom Troso Village. In 1998 recorded 165 units and in 2001 drop to 96 units. Now, the number increased again tenunnya machines, 114 units. (Suara Merdeka, July 5, 2004).
Troso village in Jepara is almost identical with ikat. Troso located in the southern town of Jepara is the center of weaving industry with markets stretching from Sumatra to East Nusa Tenggara, and even foreign countries, Japan, America, South Africa, England, Italy, Netherlands and France.
According to data from the Regional Planning Development Board (Bappeda) in Jepara regency in 2006, most products are marketed through Bali Troso weaving. Most production is marketed through Bali and Sumba ikat duplication of Nusa Tenggara. Weaving the price is much cheaper than local production weaving. However, most buyers do not know that weaving originated from Troso village in Central Java.

Selain WOVEN GOODS, pakaian atau T-hirt merupakan produk utama Rahadian Art Gallery. Sebab itu dalam menuangkan koleksinya butuh kesiapan yang matang agar fashion dan asesoris fashion semua, tetap menjadi perhatuian utama dalam brand ini. Warna warni etnik alam, budaya dan religi Indonesia dengan ragam yang indah dan unik menjadi point yang membedakan dan dijunjung tinggi sebagai pusat oleh2 Indonesia khususnya oleh2 khas Kota Jepara. Berbalut detail yang simpel, hanya sebatas coretan serta permainan2 pada bagian tertentu mejadi ciri yang kha dari segala produk kami. Cocok dipadu dengan kalung unik, gelang tradisional dan sunglasses dipakai sebagai pelengkap yang indah. Secara keseluruhan koleksi Rahadian Art Gallery sangat unik yang dikemas simpel, natural, praktis, modern dan berkarya seni tinggi.


Furniture antik hasil reproduksi serta koleksi furniture antik. Kami selalu mendapatkan fresh order, dan kami setuju dengan gambar-gambar/ desain baru yang dicoba dirancang untuk kemudian kami wujudkan. Kami begitu menghargai segala hal yang menyangkut seni dan desain terlebih budaya seluruh pelosok nusantara,mulai jawa kuno, asmat & primitif, oriental, dan balines style

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